Server Status

Server Status

Server Status

In the Server Status Module you can find the following infos: Active Modules, Plugin Integrity, Amazon Settings, WooCommerce Dependencies, Environment, Amazon Import settings & More

Active Modules

Here you can see what modules from WZone are Active.

Amazon Settings

In the Amazon Settings you can see the keys that you are using, the location from where you import the products & your affiliate ids

WooCommerce Dependencies

WZone requires that you have installed the mandatory Cart & Checkout Pages. Here you can easily verify if they are installed.

Plugin Integrity

The plugin integrity checks if the plugin's database is installed correctly.


This is an important section, here you can see some Server important infos like PHP & MySQL versions, what's your server memory limit, if you have SOAP Installed on your server & so on

Installed Plugins

You can also see what plugins you have installed on your wordpress install.
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